Future Ready Grant » Project Based Learning - Future Ready Focused!

Project Based Learning - Future Ready Focused!

Future Ready is up and rolling with our first Cohort of teachers. From 3rd grade to High School, teachers are implementing the best of challenging, problem solving instruction for RFISD students. Cohort 1 includes: John Flores, U.S. History; Deb Pannabecker, Physics: Edie Hamilton, Alg I and II: Jacob Ritter, English II and Yearbook: Colleen Brusk, 8th Gr. Math and Alg I; Karla Yen, English Language Arts; Connie Roussel, 3rd Gr.; Julie Knobles, 3rd Gr.; Kourtney Carruthers, 5th Gr.; Amy Byrd, 5th Gr.; Keri Robertson, 5th Gr. The cohort attend PBL training in Napa this summer with the Buck Institute for Education, one of the leading supporters of Project-Based Learning. Training and support for Cohort 1 has been ongoing throughout the school year with support from a Region XX PBL team. Stay tuned for updates on good things happening in RFISD!
Problem solving to save an egg! PBL project in Ms Pannebecker's Physics class - design a bumper that will save the egg riding in the car. Students had limited materials and each team used the same car design. The only variable was the car's bumper. Some survived, but there were several that cracked up!