2023-2026 District Goals and Performance Objectives
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District Goals and Performance Objectives
Goal 1: RFISD will be a district in which mutually supportive relationships are fostered to include the local community.
Performance Objective 1: All students and staff will have opportunities to participate in service projects.
Performance Objective 2: All students and staff will have opportunities to build positive, respectful relationships.
Performance Objective 3: All students and staff will have opportunities to engage in activities that foster school pride.
Goal 2: RFISD will maintain a culture of excellence.
Performance Objective 1: All students will achieve at high levels as measured by various qualitative and quantitative data sources.
Performance Objective 2: Students and staff will be recognized on a monthly basis for demonstrating positive character traits.
Performance Objective 3: All staff will be provided opportunities for quality learning relevant to their work.
Performance Objective 4: All students will have opportunities to participate in multiple extra-curricular activities.
Goal 3: RFISD will be a district that promotes holistic well-being for students and staff.
Performance Objective 1: All students and staff will be supported in achieving personal health and wellness.