English Language Learner Program
As part of registration, a Home Language Survey is completed for every student enrolling indicating the language spoken by the student and the family at home most of the time. If the Home Language Survey indicates a language other than English, the student will automatically be tested to determine if they qualify for services. If a student qualifies and enters the program, supports and accommodations are made available during daily instruction and state assessment to help them thrive socially and academically.
At Randolph Field, the Coordinator/Administrator are dedicated to implementing a program that supports each Emergent Bilingual (EB) in his or her English language acquisition until that student has reached an advanced level of English language acquisition and is exited from the program. The ESL Coordinator leads the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) through the LPAC Framework each year.
English Language Learner Program Policy
To ensure all mandates are met, Randolph Field ISD has adopted policies in compliance with state and federal requirements. Their contents can be found in EHBE (Legal) and (Local).
English Language Learner Program Instructional Supports
The elementary campus offers a content-based program and the secondary campus offers a pull-out program to implement the English Language Proficiency Standards, a set of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills that foster English Language acquisition. Teachers providing instructional supports are English as a Second Language (ESL) certified. In addition to this certification ongoing Professional Development is offered to teachers of EB students.
Contact Information
Allana Hemenway